EKE-Electronics acquires software company specialised in predictive maintenance
EKE-Electronics Ltd. has bought Humaware, a UK firm specialising in predictive condition monitoring analytics. Through this acquisition, EKE-Electronics expands its range of offerings to become a leading global supplier of remote condition monitoring systems for railway applications.
Greater reliability and efficiency
EKE-Electronics is a Finnish supplier of intelligent train automation and onboard data systems. The company has developed a cloud-based remote diagnostic software for train fleets, called Smartvision™ that is deployed in projects in Singapore, London Underground and in Australia.
As a result of this acquisition, the company’s range of services now extends to the analysis of signals and sensor data collected from trains by means of the extremely accurate and reliable predictive analytics algorithms developed by Humaware. Unforeseen failures in rail traffic result in additional maintenance costs, delays and reduced passenger satisfaction. Humaware’s advanced data-driven algorithms and anomaly detection techniques provide an improved approach to obtaining remote condition monitoring benefits. Fixed thresholds are replaced with an adaptive thresholds to detect changes in remote condition monitoring data earlier than fixed threshold methods. This earlier detection provides the opportunity to switch from costly schedule-based maintenance to a dynamic maintenance programme based on the actual condition of the trains. The pooling of expertise from EKE-Electronics and Humaware will provide a predictive maintenance capability that will improve reliability, cost-efficiency and passenger comfort.
From helicopters to trains
Humaware possesses extensive experience in data-driven remote condition monitoring. Their predictive algorithms were originally developed for monitoring the condition of helicopters; highly complex machines where the characteristics of remote condition monitoring data are affected by environment, operator and operational mode. The algorithms were rigorously validated by the U.S. Army (AMRDEC), among others. Over the years, the software has been transferred into the rail and developed further in a number of RSSB/Innovate UK-funded research projects working with Network Rail and London Underground. EKE-Electronics will utilise Humaware’s algorithms, combined with Smartvision™ software, for rolling stock applications including trains, metros and trams to provide real-time actionable information about the condition of rolling stock so that maintenance intervention is undertaken at the optimal time.
New acquisition boosts EKE to the leading edge of train technology
Intelligent maintenance solutions are in great demand in the railway industry because of the substantial benefits they offer. The acquisition of Humaware makes EKE-Electronics a global forerunner in predictive condition monitoring.
“With Humaware’s unique software, we’re able to offer a comprehensive solution for data collection and analytics, as well as for planning a dynamic maintenance programme that is of interest to rail operators all over the world,” says Karl Lönngren, who is responsible for EKE-Electronics’ condition monitoring business.
Finnish VR Group also interested in predictive maintenance
"Intelligent maintenance – or the utilisation of predictive maintenance and analytics to improve efficiency in maintenance operations and the operational reliability of the rolling stock – is a key element of VR Maintenance Ltd’s strategy,” says Mikko Alanko, Director of the company’s maintenance systems and analytics. According to Alanko, VR has achieved major benefits through predictive maintenance and is constantly looking for new opportunities and partners to extend condition monitoring to all the rolling stock serviced by the company.
“From our point of view, EKE-Electronics’ strengths include its independence from train manufacturers and excellent relations with component suppliers, which gives access to the data generated by them. Personally, I’m pleased with this acquisition as it expands EKE-Electronics’ range of expertise in this branch of high technology,” he adds.
For further information, please contact:
Karl Lönngren, Director, Digital Services, EKE-Electronics Ltd.
Tel +358 9 61 3030, karl.lonngren[@]eke.com
Down from left: Kenneth Pipe (Humaware, Managing Director) and Riitta Ekengren (EKE Group, CEO).
Up from left: Karl Lönngren (EKE-Electronics Ltd., Director, Digital services), Marko Mäkinen (EKE-Electronics Ltd., CEO) and Antti Tikkanen (EKE Group, CFO)
EKE-Electronics is a division of the EKE Group, a privately held Finnish company with diversified international operations. EKE-Electronics Ltd. is a leading global supplier of intelligent train automation and management systems. Based in Finland, the company has operated in the railway business for over 30 years, executing complex projects across the world and currently focusing on Australia, Europe and China.